Welcome, here you will find some more details about the different Giveaway we do and the participation rules. 



We want to thank all our followers by giving the chance to everyone to win a free swimsuit set weekly. We normally announce the giveaway of the week on our Instagram Page on Sunday.

What you need to do to participate varies. You sometime need to share a story on Instagram or put a picture on your account and tag Hoaka Swimwear on it. The details of what to do each week can be found on our Instagram Page.

Please note that your Instagram Account needs to be public otherwise we will not be able to see your post. You can if you want make it public between 11 PM and 1 AM (EST) the night of Sunday to Monday to allow us to see your participation and put it back to private after.

There is no age requirement for the swimsuit giveaway.

We choose the winner randomly among the people who participated throughout the week. 




The Hoaka Girl Trip winner wins a trip for her and her best friend with Élisabeth and other influencers to a destination chosen by Élisabeth. You and your best friend will also each receive 7 swimsuits. From the moment you reach the airport, all expenses for transportation, food and activities will be paid by Hoaka Swimwear (the only thing not included is personal expense so you can bring some money to buy souvenirs if you want). We will offer 1 to 3 travels per month.

There are two ways to participate

  1. We will be announcing the Hoaka Girl Trip on our Instagram Page. Those trips have pre-set dates which will be said in the Instagram Post. The ways to participate will also be in the Instagram Post. We will randomly choose a winner from those who participated on Instagram.

  2. We will also randomly choose people on Youtube for a Hoaka Girl Trip. You need to comment your story and why you think you should be the one participating in the Hoaka Girl Trip on our Youtube video to get even more chances to win, you can also post a video on your Youtube Channel to explain your story and you need to tag Hoaka Swimwear in the video. The winner on Youtube will be contacted by Élisabeth to arrange a date for a trip.

To participate you need to be above 18 years old OR if you are below 18 years old, we will need to have the approval of your parents for you to come to the trip. We are not responsible if any incidents happen during the duration of the trip and you need to be mature enough to make decisions in regards to your health and safety.

If you are below 18 years old you need to fill the following form with your parents information as we will be contacting them if you win the contest.

Parents Information Form


The dates of the trip will be announced on Instagram with other details about the contest. If you are not available at the dates of the trip, we will need to make someone else win and your price is sadly not transferable or refundable. If you are not available or cannot come to the trip you will also not receive the 7 swimsuits included in the trip. 


"HOAKA GIRLS TRIP - How to be a Hoaka Girl"
"HoakaGirlsTrip with LYSANDRE NADEAU"